Conservation Buffers

Conservation Buffers

All Buffers

For more information on how the Dodge Soil and Water Conservation plans to monitor and track the Minnesota Buffer Law compliance in Dodge County, see the Dodge SWCD Buffer Law Monitoring and Tracking Plan.


Conservation buffers are strips of vegetation placed in the landscape to influence ecological processes and provide a variety of goods and services to us. They are called by many names, including wildlife corridors, greenways, windbreaks, and filter strips to name just a few.  


Benefits that conservation buffers provide to us include protecting soil resources, improving air and water quality, enhancing fish and wildlife habitat, and beautifying the landscape. In addition, buffers offer landowners an array of economic opportunities including protection and enhancement of existing enterprises.


Types of conservation buffers:

Riparian Forest Buffers

Filter Strips

Grassed Waterways

Shelterbelts/Field Windbreaks/Living SnowfencesP1010011c1-300x118

Contour Grass Strips

Cross-Wind Trap Strips

Shallow Water Areas for Wildlife

Field Borders

Conservation Buffer Resources

 Conservation Technology Information Center- Buffers

Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) – Financial Assistance

USDA – Conservation Buffer Design Guidelines

Buffer Guidelines

Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) – Conservation Buffers

Come into the Dodge Soil and Water Conservation District/Natural Resource Conservation Service  office in Dodge Center, MN for more information on technical and financial assistance for conservation buffers.